Evidence Proves Books and Babies Are a Winning Combination

Bauer board booksI’ve written books for just about every age child from babies through teens. Some of my titles—such as Toes, Ears, & Nose!; Love Song for a Baby; and How Do I Love You?—are even available as board books. Babies love to gnaw upon these chunky books while absorbing words and images. Despite their deceptively simple packaging, these editions serve important purposes in preparing children for the world. Here’s additional recent evidence that reading to the very young can have multiple long-term benefits:“A new study provides evidence of just how sustained an impact reading and playing with young children can have, shaping their social and emotional development in ways that go far beyond helping them learn language and early literacy skills. The parent-child-book moment even has the potential to help curb problem behaviors like aggression, hyperactivity and difficulty with attention, a new study has found.”−Perri Klass, M.D., The New York Times, 4/16/18 


Rainbow Science


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