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Take Time This Summer for Social-Emotional Learning
Spend some time on social-emotional learning during the out-of-school months

Father’s Day Fun!
Father’s Day is on its way, and you can find lots of fun options for your preschool classroom here

A Battle of Brain Power
It’s wonderful to find one of my titles featured in a contest celebrating reading skills!

Seeing the World in New Ways
I’m thrilled to find one of my picture books singled out by the Miami-Dade Public Library System

Mother’s Day Is on the Way!
There are a myriad of ways that young readers can plan ahead for a festive Mother’s Day!

Reading Their Way Across the USA
Beginning readers can take a fact-filled journey across the US with the 50 States to Celebrate books

Tips and Techniques for Student Writers
These writing resources will help your students write more powerfully

Our Long and Ever-Changing Journey
My picture book We, the Curious Ones continues to inspire just the kind of reactions I hoped for

Try Some Reader’s Theater for National Poetry Month!
Celebrate National Poetry Month in your classroom by staging a reader’s theater performance!

The Science Behind Spring Showers
Beginning readers can dig into the science behind spring weather with six timely titles

Spring Into the Season!
Fling your students into some springtime fun with a variety of preschool activities

Changing Your Classroom Writing Culture
Check out these tips to inspire students to tackle the revision process with enthusiasm

Make March a Month for Reading!
The Salina Public Library offers some great reading suggestions to kick off the month of March

Some Cross-Subject Curriculum Ideas
I’m so pleased to see such thoughtful reviews being generated by my newest book!

Resources for Space Enthusiasts
Future astronauts will find lots to explore in these excellent resources about our universe

It’s a Joy When My Work Resonates with Readers
I’m always delighted when I discover the different ways that readers respond to my books