Photo by munshots on Unsplash
in pandemic times we learn
that breath is everything
look what we risk to keep it
flowing in and out of lungs
to feel it cool the nostrils
to feel the breastbone rise
to trust how it finds its way
and feeds the blood in pandemic times we see
how the world goes to work
for a simple breath
giving up livelihoods, bringing
children home from schools
to protect this elementary act
see the nurses in shields like
warriors, see mask-makers at
their sewing machines intent
over scraps of fabric, see factories
retool to make machines that push
air through our windpipes so we can
sing the song of life, see distilleries
turn spirits into sanitizer to make
our hands clean, but our hands are not clean, Mister Floyd
because of the other virus
the contaminant which is
our pre-existing condition and
causes us to step away from
each other for centuries now your town is on fire and
you lie still on the pavement
see how our tears fall on our masks
see how our masks fall from our faces
see the fabric unravel, Mister Floyd
rise please rise like this smoke
do not refuse to haunt us or
how will we remember what
we learn and forget
breath is not cheap
Kate Tucker