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Interview with Uma on Threads of Peace
My good friend, Uma Krishnaswami, has a new book coming into the world on August 17th entitled Threads of Peace.
The Deepest Gift
My working life is represented by over 100 books sitting on my shelf, each one bearing my name. An accomplishment I do not hold lightly. These books have been written and published over the course of 45 years, and that bears mentioning, too. I have worked long and steadily.
To Be a Good Human Being
To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world,
The Truth of Life
Whether success or failure: the truth of a life really has little to do with its quality.
Creatures of Longing
It made perfect sense that my main character was going to be angry. He had good reason. His mother had walked out on him and his dad when he was only three. He has never understood why she left, and he hasn’t seen her since she did.
“Painfully Sad”
Today is the official publication date for my latest novel, Sunshine. And I’m delighted that it is being greeted with such enthusiasm.
Love is a Choice
For this reason loving involves commitment. We are not automatic lovers of self, others, world, or God.
A Purging of Pity and Fear
It was a small town and an even smaller library. The children’s section formed an open cube, perhaps six feet on each side. But the small size didn’t matter to me, because every time my mother and I went to the library, I brought home the same book.
On Emptiness
It’s something I have thought about often and discussed with friends, the Buddhist concept of emptiness.
I Can Be Angry
I can be angry. I can hate. I can rage. But the moment I have defined another being as my enemy, I lose part of myself
A Small Task, but Necessary
We are living in a time of loss. Some of us far more than others. Even those so fortunate as not to have lost loved ones, our own health, or our income in this pandemic have lost physical community.