The Cutest Critter
by Stan Tekiela
Publications, 2010
The dynamic duo of children's nature books is back with a third offering! Their first two titles, Baby Bear Discovers the World and Some Babies Are Wild, were national award winners, and The Cutest Critter just might be their best book yet! Read along as Marion Dane Bauer delves into the question, Who is the cutest critter in the land? Stan Tekiela's real-life photographs of adorable baby animals will have children and adults oohing and ahhing with every turn of the page.
“Who is the cutest critter in the land? / Is it a bear cub sleeping? / Or a fawn just learning to stand?” Simple rhyming text pairs with sharp, full-color photos on each double-page spread in this picture book that spotlights wild animal parents nurturing their young, from lynx kittens having a snuggle and a wolf pup collecting a kiss to a bison calf getting a drink from its mother. After all the questions and images of animals, there is a surprise when a human mother joyfully swings a toddler up high: “Not a single one is cuter than you!” Parents, caregivers, and kids can enjoy their own hugs as they notice the connections between parents and children throughout nature. Final pages fill in more facts about each featured critter. Preschool-Kindergarten.
—Hazel Rochman, Booklist