Create a Writing Community for Your Young Writers

What's Your Story?

I believe that participating in a writing community is an important part of the writing life. For many, many years I worked with other writers as a writing teacher and as one of the founding faculty for the Vermont College Master of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults program. I continue to seek out a community of writers through activities such as LoonSong, a wonderful writer’s retreat set in the serenity of Minnesota’s north woods.

So how can you help the young writers in your classroom feel like they are part of a writing community? These resources from Education Week and the Two Writing Teachers blog may be helpful places to start.

To aid the writers in your classroom, I also have a number of writing tips on my website, covering topics such as “Getting Started,” “Using Verbs,” and “Story Problems.” For those looking for more in-depth advice, you can also steer young hopefuls to my writing guides for young people, What’s Your Story? and Our Stories.


Happy Centennial, Grand Canyon National Park!


March Is “Paws to Read Month”